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The Machaira Learning Support Centre is a learning support centre in Cape Town offering support to distance learning students of the Full Gospel Church of God College. We offer academic support, contact sessions and theological resources.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a Pentecostal theological educational centre where students can be well-trained academically, having sufficient resources, guided by strong leaders with the support of fellow students and lecturers within a classroom setup.

Start your journey today!

The Full Gospel Church of God's vision is to empower our leadership and membership, never neglecting the Great Commission so that an informed congregation will be better able to serve the Lord with diligence.


"Study to show yourself approve unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

- 2 Timothy 2:15 

Take the first step!


Click on the link below for a list of courses offered by the Full Gospel Church of God College and download a copy of their prospectus.

Click here!

Redeem the time!

We understand that you are balancing the pressures of work, family and ministry. The Machaira Learning Support Centre is designed with you the adult learner in mind. 

© 2016 by Machaira Learning Support Centre. Proudly created with

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